Concept: 'Dream Realms' is a full-length choreographic work, staged as a platform of encounters to spiral you into the world of the visionary, perceiving life beyond the limits of human capacity, to reveal the hope of truth that lies in the knowledge of a definitive destiny.
Imagine if dreams were a part of the very essence of your creation, woven around you as you were knit in your mother's womb; seeds planted deep inside awaiting the hour of awakening when the soil was fertile. If the original plan was to co-labor with heaven, can you escape destiny or will heaven intervene and challenge identity as you know it; to reshape, renew, redirect, reconfigure.
Will you dream again to recalibrate life from heaven's perspective? Does circumstance necessarily dictate consequence or can a higher power redeem the impossibilities of life to release an explosion of individual creativity, fullness of desire and ability, the wild rapture of dreams as a reality.
Using the atmosphere of the prophetic and an exploration of dance in collaboration with art across mediums (voice, song, music, painting) you are invited to delve into dream realms, and discover that path you have always been searching for. The leaves of time keep falling, but now there is a wind of change. Seek, embrace, soak and exult in the river of revelation, celebrating the fullness of life. In beauty and joy you were made for the day you would stand in glory.