Saturday, June 30, 2012

In India...New Perspectives

Photography: Vanessa Mirza

Calcutta is such a different city to all the places I have been in the past year. She is special. In great need, but special. I've been here for a week now processing choreographic decisions for the trio while spending quality time with family. India is such an experience after being away for so long, it completely shifts thinking and perspective. I'm keen to see how contemporary dance develops in this city. I had quite random beginnings's always good to know your roots...'never forget where your coming from'. But from there you grow. My family doesn't fully understand why a dance project requires so much time and work, but they support me. Love is so powerful in making dreams come true. I'm back to studio in a few weeks and even before that attending the Daci-WDA conference in Taipei mid-July. It will be a busy swirl of events. I look forward to happy connections and good performances.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Full circle...tying it in

The change factor of this project seems to be a constant. It feels like quicksilver. Right now a lot of things are being loosely held so that at the right time it can be held compactly like magnets. It isn't about choreography but more the project development overall. I am glad to welcome two new advisers that will be contributing to seeing this production set sail...Graeme Collins will be an artistic adviser transitioning from September and continuing after Ming leaves at the end of the year, and Pei-Kuang Chang joins my production team as Technical Adviser. I have interesting connections that link me through this project, it definitely carries a sense of full circle. I fly to India on 6/23 and return on 7/7, family time with many reunions. I feel like the things I learn through the experience of  doing this project and working with such an array of masters in the fields of dance, choreography, research and production, is invaluable. it isn't written in any book and it isn't the knowledge you get taking a class. I am just so grateful for the opportunity of being in such a place at such a time, with the heart and fervor to pursue what I am passionate about. It is rare, and very delicate. I have officially finished my 3rd year at TNUA and will now be a 4th year graduate student. I've definitely come a long long long way since I first stepped into the halls of this dance school. It's strange how things change, it is my only constant. The shaping of an artist can be such beauty, there is a master design,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Deeper Dreams

'Deeper Dreams', Artist: Vanessa Mirza

I painted this last night, in moments of wondering. Our project has picked up pace as change sets things into motion. My choreography adviser/artistic director for this production leaves at the end of the year for a new assignment in the US. Re-positioning. I hope to do a second committee showing at the end of November and then a cozy studio performance during winter break early in February 2013. Somehow it feels perfect, even though it was so not my plan. It feels really right. Small bridges to big, we step into bigger things with clean neatly well done first steps. I'm glad for a momentum that has placed us in right alignment. Perhaps I speak in mysteries. It is my way. The abstract fascinates me. Deeper dreams to each of you. My solo is done and the trio rehearsals begin in July. Shielded and loved I journey on.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Climbing mountains-Preikestolen Norge

I had the most delightful dream trip to Norway enriching me on so many different levels. May has been a busy month and now we are in June. There is more change but it feels we have gathered a momentum. The solo is almost complete as understanding paves the way for breakthroughs. I find myself amazed at the creative possibilities ahead of me. 'Dreams do come true' trails with peace in my heart, as we grow into more of who we are created to be in an everyday individual reality awakening new promises.