Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Delicious Anticipation...

It's hard to process everything that's happening now, so much packed in such a short span of time, so many people demanding my attention and time, with questions and more questions...that I need to answer so they can help me better. It took a while but I do have a strong production team now, I am so glad for everyone of them assisting me in fine-tuning what this dance, this living artwork should look like. Again just the mystery involved in drawing out a dance from the intersection of ideas in paintings still fascinates me so much, and I wonder at the every 'day' of working and thinking of trying and failing and trying again over two years, that brought me this far...I do hope for a successful representation of those ideas within the dance medium...and the test will be with the audience on that day...for now we keep working with the vision. It's so important for me to still focus on the dances themselves in the flurry of so many "other" things to friend's advice, and I will take it...'focus on the choreography, it's the most important thing'. I finished making all changes and now it's about helping the dancers own the dance...I have ten days to the premiere...delicious anticipation...i want to finish well.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Closer still...

Three weeks to go and we are wrapping things up. I have a strange feeling that though the process has been really hard at times, there will be something of value to celebrate that day...I remember my adviser Ming saying each time you dance a piece, you don't just dance it, you are living it, it's life we present on stage, it is real or needs to be...I haven't had alot of time with my new dancers but I hope to have imparted something (perhaps a different something)  to each of them so they could have "lived" and "grown" through this process...

Even if it may not be the perfect result my artists's heart is so excited to see it as a whole...I will enjoy being in the audience, after a long long journey of  discovery and creation...again, this is just a beginning and there is so much more to come after this...I must enjoy this 'first attempt' on so many levels of production and choreography...someone said in the performing arts when you create, 'love your audience' love who you are creating for, it might change the way you create... and this is held in tension to creating from love instead of for love...Things to ponder on, so many thoughts, so many wishes...what will be will be.