These are certainly times of change. I have been true to my value to find the gold, but in doing so the process of change has been quite volatile and challenging. I have however the passion to pursue, and I am seeing the fruit of my faith slowly but surely. I need to use my time wisely as I have to work both as a choreographer and a writer while planning and preparing for the actual production. So this blog will now only have highlights, I hope at least to update a few times every month. I have dates to work towards:
Oral Exam: 02/25/2012 at Studio 7, TNUA, College of Dance
Final Performance: 05/31/2012 & 06/01/2012 at the Crown Theatre (in downtown Taipei)
Thesis Exam: 06/02/2012 at TNUA, College of Dance
Rehearsals and auditions in the last three weeks have been exciting and interesting. I have encountered, shared and danced with quite a range of performers. I have now seven who will work on a duet and a group(so that's a change, I'm back to a duet instead of a solo). Bringing painting in movement certainly adds a whole new level of colour to studio work. Smiles. These are however still only the initial level of movement material, some in a first stage very rich, others, a beginning to develop on. The journey continues with excitement, the moments of magic make it worth the while.
I look forward to connecting, in the next few weeks, with more dancers and working on possibilities for a music collaboration. Joy everlasting, all good things need a great level of passion and sacrifice, but there is gladness for each day.
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