It's soon going to be April. We are inching forward. This slow climb is a good steady pace, somedays as easy and fun as waltzing, others like the hardest most rugged mountain climb, snow laden cold, and yet there is always a sun that warms as the day gets brighter. Today's post is about 'soft issues'. As an international student doing a choreography production, doing something for an extended period away from family and loved ones is not easy. I miss India often and I miss the ease of family life. I celebrate the friendships I have here and the sense of being loved and cared for is something I cherish. If the environment in school doesn't tangibly carry that it drains your spirit. And so I go back to the whole process of doing things, how you do it is so important, more important than just accomplishing a goal or target...because human beings are human beings, dancers are not inanimate objects that you program to move a certain way...or at least I do not want to create such dances. I've tried to bring a culture of love and honour when I am in the studio, and while for some this is alien and unnecessary, I know deep down it makes people start to act more from the heart, in honesty and with integrity. My last week has been hard, but the solo is progressing, and I'm learning alot. In addition to research and composition study I will also be adding a technique class to my studies this semester. I believe it will feel wonderful to be dancing in class again. Not planning seems to be key right now, just focussing and moving ahead is all I must do. I have to trust my adviser in leading me at the right pace, it means giving up control and just's something I have to choose to do, because I control how much I trust someone, and so I's from the heart not the mind...and so we keep moving on...Row row row your boat Gently down the stream, Merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream...
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