Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Courage, the new day...

Truth in tension. It's an interesting concept that fascinates me, same situation different truths hold true. Today I feel the need to be real. 'Dream Realms' is not about the happy lalala land of just dreaming, wanting wishing. No it's about making it happen, seeing fruition, witness to amazing life- dreams, and the more than you can imagine, because of a higher power. I want to share that the accomplishment feels good, the open door, definitely the alluring invitation, but it certainly can be 'hell' in the hallway (quoting Joseph Garlington).

We celebrate the victories, and remember the journey, stronger,wiser, more mature, compassionate for the knowledge of what it takes. How does all this 'hell' affect the creative process. That's up to you, your choices define your life not the circumstances. I choose joy, I choose hope, I choose peace, I choose victory, I choose a path made in the wilderness, a new way, a new day. Definitely needs courage, faith is spelt risk...without a sense of adventure...you're living too small a dream. Awakenings to your spirit to live in fullness.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fabrics of perfect design: LIHIYA

Romance in creation. I love the power of ethnicities, of cultural permeation and the strength in womanhood. Two lovely ladies from the Kingdom of Swaziland, Dumile & Tivamile Dlamini, that I have grown to know through my time in Taiwan and the US, are going to partner with me in creating costume. We are going to play with different ideas and connect painting,writing, music and dance with fabric and clothing design to bring 'Dream Realms' to life.

Check out their blog (http://lihiya.blogspot.com/) for a look at some of their very elegant fashions and event updates. This is a quote from their personal writings:

'The word LIHIYA is a siswati word for COVERING. Our hope is that we would serve as a covering for women that are devoted to get out of poverty and continue to present a platform that will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.'