Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just a little Magic

Photograph by: Marie

We celebrated a birthday in the studio yesterday. I though it was wonderful that my dancer would rehearse till so late on her birthday, and so I knew celebrations were definitely in order. We had a time of showing and discussion today. It didn't go quite according to plan but our studio environment was a relaxed atmosphere of gaining ground. It was amazing to have time with my adviser, and he helped bring new insights and understanding to my dancers about performance quality as well as chisel on my choreographic edge. It was good to get past the initial waves of nervousness before an audience as this was the group's first live performance. Given the limited rehearsal time I need to now tighten my own core ideas to define with only the most imporatnt scenes I want to create and say. This is not a movie though I wish sometimes it was. Smiles, more adventures in another season.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Next Thing

Photograph by: How Chen

It's been an interesting month, sometimes less brings more and in the theatre less is more. I've found a defining sense of joy as pieces start to fit together. It feels like even though we are moving ahead slowly there is a gathering momentum and a deepening pathway. I see the image of walking into a mine, except it's a deep ravine that's formed, wider and deeper carving the walls of the rock faces on either side...the dimensions of change are more than one and that excites me. It's again the process that matters to me and the things which are gained in the journey. I will emerge on the new choreography for the last dance today, it's the trio piece. Last week I integrated a new dancer, it went well. Abstracts and music scores are almost ready, they just might need a bit of editing. Vision is unfolding beautifully. Above is one of the art cards I gifted to the dancers, a Christmas wish and an honouring message for great studio work. Encouragement fuels many things. It's turning point time, a new year a new leaf, the bells and chimes are ringing. Less than two months to the oral exam, we are faithfully moving forward.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December Joy~

Staying happy seems to be key in being creative and making this journey. I've had some more changes with dancers and so the trio piece will have somebody new join us for the first time in the studio tomorrow. Up above is a photograph of the only graduate student who is dancing in this performance. His English name is 'How Chen' and he has quite the accomplished background for a dancer majoring in choreography.

It has been a pleasure to work with those as keenly curious as myself to break into dry ground and find oil wells. I'm excited for his solo piece that is based on the painting 'Heroes'. What is beautiful to see is how the dances are lifting out of the realm of art, poetic and song improvisations to take on an idenetity of their own. It's like we are looking at the same concept from the vantage point of a higher place. The group piece has already stepped into this realm. I'm using simple titles for the dances this time. I'm fascinated with the depth that simplicity carries and a sort of pure inncoence that is transferrable in this state. We each have such a great capacity to create, I'm so glad we don't limit ourselves to what we know to do well but carry a heart for discovery and adventure in all things. Our lighting designer has also been confirmed(more on that collaboration later) and the Yuhan's original musical composition should be ready by next week. It's good to see the wheels turning and the song in my spirit is 'Carry on, carry on, the wind will make you fly~'